The Puffin Trust is a charitable organisation in Northern Ireland that is dedicated to funding research into problems in pregnancy.
Who Are We
The Puffin Trust is a charitable organisation in Northern Ireland that is dedicated to funding research into problems in pregnancy. We raise money by organising educational courses and then use this money to fund research. We focus our energy on obstetricians and midwives to build a culture of critical thinking for the next generation.
The Puffin Trust is accepted as a charity by HM Revenue and Customs. Inland Revenue Charity Number XT21576

The Puffin Trust brings together midwives and doctors to impart theoretical and practical skills in dealing with problems in pregnancy.
If you can afford the time to teach, please help us. If you have a good idea on how to improve our teaching program or any ideas for future programs you may be interest in, let us know!
We fund research related to problems in pregnancy. We prefer to fund projects that have a multi-disciplinary team approach.
We will call for submissions once a year. Our next call for projects will be in May 2024.